Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jamestown Visits Room 35

A speaker from Jamestown came to our class today! Her presentation had a lot of artifact replicas. We got to hold, touch and wear some of the display items. Some of the items our presenter brought included arrows, deer skins, cooper pots and jewelry.


Our visitor was wonderful. Now that we know what we will see on our field trip to Jamestown, we can't wait to go!


  1. I really liked the Jamestown visit. It was fun to touch all the stuff she had. Even though all of her stuff were replicas, they looked so real. I can't believe that the corn was actually real.

    I think that when we go to Jamestown, you should take pictures of us. That is all I got. Bye bye.

    Saniya Rawat

  2. When we go to Jamestown I hope that we can see some of the same things we saw and some new things. I hope that if we have any more field trips like that they will also come to our classroom and have a little presentation. I can't wait for our trip.


  3. It was really cool seeing all the artifacts even though they were replicas. I can't wait to go to Jamestown and see even more.


  4. I think the Jamestown visitors had really cool stuff. The artifacts the visitor brought looked real!!!


  5. I think the Jamestown visit was really cool. The artifacts that the visitors brought looked very real!!!

  6. That was C-O-O-L!!!! Even though it was replicas and I didn't get to touch it, it was very cool just looking at it. Now we seen replicas but, when we go to Jamestown will we see stuff that was from 200,000 years ago? :)


  7. WOW!! That was fabulous! It was a great experience & a head start about some of the things we will be seeing in Jamestown. Plus, I can't wait until we see the real tools & other things during our field trip!:)!


  8. This is what we know so far but what if we know even more stuff? :|

