Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Field Day Was A Success!

I think our class had the best time at field day. Our class went in the morning outside by the track. It was chilly.  We warmed up once we were running around. A.D.

  The noodle joust was very fun!! When we played noodle joust,
we first did 10 random hits on both noodles. After that we had to try
to tag each other below the knee. The person who hits that area 
first wins the joust. V.K.

          Hop! Hop! Hop! This is fun! Look at this hippity-hoppity activity. We are having so much fun! Even though we're going slow or fast, we are having fun. Even though we fall down we get back up. We'll never give up! :)                                                                 J.V.C. 

     Stepping stones were fun and cooperative. We had to work together to make it across the spots. Stepping stones was hard because we had to balance on  spots and pass spots up quickly.  During the game, we worked hard and cooperated with each other. We got to do it two times because we went fast and worked together. M.C.

       In the ice cream game, we looked like a person that had a hat that is a ball. That was fun!! I We had to carry a ball across the grass and around the hay without the ball falling. It was hard to control the ball. We got pretty good at the end. A.R. 

                 Ice cream cone was very fun to do because we were very good at it. We had to be very careful because if you go super fast the ball will likely fall down. If the ball falls down, you will lose your turn. If you go to slowly the bell will eventually ring, and your teammates will not get a turn to play. You should have balance and big hands to play.  H.M.             

Wow! Sneha has 4 hands! How? Check the picture! Jocelyn's 2 other hands are helping. Sneha won't have them for long. Jocelyn can't hold on to it for a long time! Even though she can't have lots of hands, for a long time, it still was like Sneha was a multi-hand person. It was sure fun to have a lot more hands. Well, let's see! S.R.

I loved to make Sneha have four arms! It was so funny to do. I felt so cool making her look like she had so many arms. I hope everyone else had a good laugh at it. I loved it even when I couldn't not see it. J.M.

     This picture is about a game called electric fence. In electric fence there is a hoop that you're not allowed to touch. You would have to have to put a person through the hoop without touching it. When someone touches the hoop, you have to put the person who's going through the hoop down.  My team thought it would be easier to put small people in first.The person in the hoop put their hands on the person's shoulders in front of them.  Then you put that person through the hoop again. The people carrying the person through the hoop had to be careful not to drop the person. During electrical fence, we learned about having good teamwork and good cooperation. We loved electrical fence. A. B.

Liberty parents and Freedom High School students volunteered to run field day activities. THANK YOU!

     On field day, we did a station called diamond excavation. During that station you have seven people on a team and about six long tubes to hold together with your team. You pick one person to leave the tubes to go get marbles and place them through  the tubes. At the end of the tubes, there was a bucket that the marbles would fall into when they were done. We filled the buckets! I felt great when we were playing it. Like it was the best game ever! O.B. 

     In this picture we are playing a game called Junkyard Journey.  In Junkyard Journey there are boards, crates, carpet squares, chairs, buckets, container lids and a bike that we had to walk across. Some of the stuff was easy to walk across and other parts were really spread out so we had to jump really far. If you land on the grass, which is acid, you have to start over. S.G.

The roll the dice game was where three people grab a dice and roll. Then you add the numbers together. Whatever number it adds up to, you cross it off on the game board. If it's a number you already crossed off, you do 20 jumping jacks. One reason I liked this game was because it involves both math and exercise. T.C.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jamestown Visits Room 35

A speaker from Jamestown came to our class today! Her presentation had a lot of artifact replicas. We got to hold, touch and wear some of the display items. Some of the items our presenter brought included arrows, deer skins, cooper pots and jewelry.


Our visitor was wonderful. Now that we know what we will see on our field trip to Jamestown, we can't wait to go!