Thursday, March 19, 2015

Team Work!

What can you build with 1 rubber band, 4 strings, and 10 solo cups? A pyramid of course! Holding one string, each person had to help  stretch a rubber band around a cup to build and take a part a pyramid. Successful teams problem solved by listening  to suggestions from each person, using encouraging words and patients!  

Henry Cole Visited Our School!

What an entertaining presentation! Mr. Cole is not only a gifted illustrator but a talented story teller. We spent 45 minutes completely engaged in hearing him tell the story of how he became an author and illustrator. He even drew a giant character on the sketch board!  

Mr. Cole was born in 1955 in Purcellville, Virginia. He grew up on a dairy farm. He attended LCPS and now lives in Alexandria, Virginia. Before he was an illustrator, he was a science teacher. He has illustrated over 80 books. 

To watch an interview  Mr. Cole gave to Reading Rockets, click here . 

To visit Mr. Cole's website, play games and learn about the books he has written, click here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I Spy!

Let's play I spy! 

I spy a shape with 4 faces. Can you?

I spy a shape with 8 vertices. Can you?

I spy a pyramid. Can you?

I can find an edge. Can you?

What do YOU spy?

Exercise Your Way to Learning

Gathering data can be challenging! An exercise challenge that is! Working in pairs, students tested their strength and endurance doing sit-ups, push up, jumping jacks and leg lifts. While one student exercised, the other counted and tallied the number of completed activities. Once all exercises were completed, individuals graphed and annualized their data. What a happy and healthy class!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

A small card. A simple message. A little time. 
A cold February day. A room full of friendship.


Who loves play-dough? WE DO!

Play-dough is not only fun but helpful for learning about shapes. We rolled it. We smashed it. We made plain shapes and 3D shapes. We really enjoyed designing symmetrical and non-symmetrical  shapes! And of course, we spend some time just playing.